Tuesday, March 19, 2019

blog #4 final draft

Feeding off the wrong information from Google doesn't make people actually stupid. They introduce you to the Internet for they're limitless knowledge and power for your setting . Seeing us using our brains for among of all pieces, gathering multiple long and short-term memories . Creating a connection between communication with other people around us, telling on how our memory can produce this much information into our brain . Believing that Google is making adults more aggressive and behaving any kind of way, trying to restraint yourself and reacting to those who loses their gadgets well forgets because of their lately studies. Receiving any emails to your inbox and checking new information, and double-check your messages if you didn't forget anything. Social media browser including Facebook, Twitter , and Instagram each have their own connection to those who use them and connect with other people, chatting and following them. Although It does increase your lifespan to it's fullest;  the more you rely on the of information. We're just adapting to multiple environment 's and technologies to evolve to greater heights. Technology helps people on how to understand the ways of it can grow in different ways. Showing us how to communicate with people around, sending new information. Finding a seed that will needed to grow our intelligence of the world we live in.  Both Nicholas Carr's and Brook both thinks the internet is causing a short attention span and it's making you have trouble on your brain. Losing every piece of though that you have been feeding it, besides creating an idea of the social network around the world. So they can make more money to  gather even more information for their business and opportunity to show for the advertisement. Discussing  the inner system in the online world finding a solution to access it's digital powers i order to search the web and what it's capable of. Trying to figure out a best solution that will be useful advice for Carr's crystallized intelligence, along with Brooks related ideas. Believe in yourself and open the power of your mind and having to experience. But i believed that the internet doesn't make people stupid, some say that it can be good useful results. Lastly, i strongly think we can prove more details of being a great human being, and gathering many ideas to the brain.

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