Thursday, April 11, 2019

Blog #7 discussion questions

Some students maybe fine with the words that Carson said to them, they don't care even what they here. But other's student's around that weren't very happy at all the way he said to them, all he did was made them upset behind there back's. I honestly don't know why, maybe he's want's to show off, or teaching them how to become adult'. I doubt it, ether way he's just trying to teach a lesson to the students and certain language. Plus, he  chooses the words out of his mouth more carefully before saying things that he doesn't know one bit. He's trying to understand the mean of a high school student a teenager, remembering what's it like to be a teenager once before. Justify the language that he's talking to the kids, learning the important of his speech today. Or maybe, not to mention that most of the students were surprised and confused about the way of there teacher is speaking out lately. And never once imaged of thinking the students would trust what Dr. Carson said in that speech.

These types of obstacles that i would be difficult to face multiple would be facing dozens of task's and believed to overcome other obstacles in front of me. Each of the task is on a whole different level, no pressure can be done. Deciding to study the materials that I was giving and being prepare the work that will be finishing soon in no time flat, or making a list of things soon than later. Start by going down something that is easy, by following the things that can be mine for sure. Creating ideas to overcome these objectives won't be easy, ask for a tutor for assistance in needed for homework and stuff, with no problems at all. Find a person with good experience in all subjects , i need to work out the details with the person that is helping me. I must talk it over with my tutor and show them how much i can accomplished this work in progress and keeping things in check. When i'm in a pinch of doing my work I get very annoyed for no reason. And i need to stay perfectly calm.

I would say something to encourage them more. But before that i need to create a list of simple ideas to be ready for anything. Give them the edge to push them to new heights and will. Start with a small conversation first to tell them about your theory of Dr. Carson so far, what's your opinion on him . I want the students try to get to know the teacher a  bit more of why he wants to learn the way of a student. Giving him a chance to speak out of his mind and hopefully to get along pretty well, and come to a understanding . How about I would tell them to give me a piece of their own advice and be prepared to share your thought. And i will compare my opinion ideas with the kids and we will combine, and see that i will  be good person and a teacher for the students.

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